Unlike many ministry organizations where only ministers can join, ANYONE can be a member of GRN as long as they are a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ and are willing to conduct their private and public lives in an honorable, godly manner. We are firm advocates of true holiness and sanctification, which, according to the New Testament, is the Will of God for every Christian. We hold ourselves to a high standard of love and integrity while showing grace and mercy to those outside of the camp.
Any believer who wishes to be a part of GRN and who is not involved in some active ministry will be classified as an ASSOCIATE MEMBER. They have full membership rights, can request a Membership Card, attend conferences and provide input and participate in the opportunities for service that the Lord provides to us.
Any minister of the Gospel who wishes to join GRN will be classified as a FULL MEMBER. They will have full membership rights, can request a Membership Card, attend conferences and participate in and provide input into the governance processes of GRN. They are automatically included as members of our GRN Minister’s Association. They can serve in administrative positions, either in their own nation or, should opportunity arise, on our international staff.
GRN recognizes a wide variety of ministry roles, positions and titles. They include TEACHERS, PASTORS, EVANGELISTS, PROPHETS, APOSTLES, BISHOPS, PSALMISTS, INTERCESSORS and various other ministry-related positions. Although it would be considered normal for most individuals who occupy ministry-related roles to also have formal, ministry-related education, GRN recognizes that this situation is not always the case. Sometimes God simply calls an individual to testify to His Name and Glory and sends them to preach the Gospel. GRN recognizes, above all else, the CALL OF GOD on someone’s life. That call is sufficient credentialing for anyone to be a part of GRN.

Joining GRN is a very simple process. Go to our ONLINE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM, located at the bottom our current web page and click on the link. Remember to fill the form in completely. Once you have done that, click on the Submit button at the bottom of the form. When you do that, several things will automatically happen.
First, your submitted Membership Application Form will be transmitted to our International Headquarters in the United States in the form of an email with all of the headings and information in an easily understandable form. Our office staff will process your Membership Application and file it for future reference. Eventually, that information will be placed in an Online Membership Database which will be open for use to any GRN official or staff person looking for information and will help us to create meaningful reports to help our men and women in the field to more effectively respond to their situations.
That Membership Application Form will then be emailed to the National Presiding Bishop for the country in which you live. He will then contact you in order to further instruct you in the vision, goals and practices of GRN as we move toward a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit. If appropriate, you will be placed in a leadership role in your local area or will help the leadership team already in place there.
Finally, you will receive a GRN Cares Package from our International Headquarters telling you much more about GRN and how we operate.
We use a separate program or "app" to handle your Membership Application Form form. Simply click on the button that says Start Your Application. We look forward to hearing from you! May God richly bless you as you walk in faith and obedience to Him! Amen and Amen!!!