SA 600
Doctoral Dissertation
The doctoral dissertation is reserved as the last course in the doctoral program.  The dissertation must be on a topic related to either the
prophetic or apostolic ministry and office and must avoid plagiarism at all costs.  While being careful to remain solidly within the parameters
defined within the logos, or Written Word of God and ascribing to the fundamental principle that all matters must be established and verified
by two of three witnesses in terms of foundational Scriptures, the candidate for the Doctor of Theology is encouraged to seek the inspiration
of the Holy Spirit for both the topic and the content of their doctoral dissertation.  In this way, they remain solidly Biblical and within
accepted Church doctrine while allowing the Holy Spirit Who defines, shapes and drives both the Prophetic and Apostolic offices to guide
them into all truth and fresh insight and supplemental revelation.  

From a practical standpoint, since the doctoral dissertation is the time commitment equivalent of a three-hour course, it is assumed that the
doctoral candidate will devote at least 20-30 hours in research and preparation of his or her thesis, given that the course content for any
given class session normally lasts between two and three hours and there are ten class sessions in any class.  The dissertation can be submitted
either as a printed document via conventional mail or, as we prefer, as a Microsoft Word
.doc or .docx  or Adobe .pdf document sent via
email, Skype or Facebook attention to Dr. Young or any of the supervising Doctoral Review Board.  It is expected that the dissertation will
be of the finest quality, both in content, style and grammar.  A dissertation in broken or fragmentary English may be acceptable in many
portions of the 3rd World, but the overarching emphasis of the Global Revival Network Bible College is to produce ministers of the Gospel
who are outstanding in both integrity and excellence of performance.  Even Jesus' own enemies said,
"Behold, He  does all things well!"  This
is also our expectation for any doctoral candidate as well.

We would prefer that dissertations be submitted in single-space format rather than double-spaced.  Double-spacing a document gives the
illusion of significant content.  We prefer the reality of solid, substantial work and would rather read more in fewer pages than less in many
pages.  The dissertation must be a minimum of 20 pages in length, with appropriate footnotes and credits to other authors, including
information gleaned from the internet and such resources as
Wikipedia.  We want our students to understand that we live in an electronic
world today and footnotes and references, which once were the exclusive domain of the printed word in books, now reside electronically on
the world wide web.  As such, a footnote to a quote or concept which shows the URL web address of the reference will be considered
sufficient for documentation.  In addition, since many of our students are from the 3rd World and do not have traditional libraries available
to them but do have internet access, it only makes sense for them to use the resources which they have available to them.

Dissertations that show exceptional insight and clarity of thought and quality of presentation will be posted on a separate web page to be
created in the near future.   They will be available to be read, downloaded or both by anyone who wants to view them.  In this way, the
Global Revival Network Bible College can share the
rhema insights and revelation of our students with the whole world.

On the other hand, dissertations which, in the opinion of the Doctoral Review Board, do not meet the standards of excellence in research,
insight and presentation may be resubmitted by the doctoral candidate with the recommended changes made.  Once a doctoral dissertation
has been reviewed and returned to the student without being accepted, the student will have 30 days in which to make the necessary changes
and improvements to the dissertation and resubmit it to the Review Board for reconsideration.  If the dissertation is rejected a second time,
the student will be given a third and final attempt to submit the document.  Any dissertation which fails to meet the approval of the Doctoral
Review Board after three submissions will be deemed permanently rejected and unacceptable for the doctoral degree.  In the event of this
rare and unusual occurrence, the student may retake the class, but will have to take the course over and pay for it again, submitting a totally
new dissertation in place of the original one.  Again, we do not anticipate that this type of occurrence will happen very often, if at all, but it is
necessary for us to have in place a procedure to handle such a rare event.

We rejoice at students who have shown the necessary vigilance required to come to the doctoral level and we praise and worship the God of
Heaven who has given them the drive and insight necessary to pursue this honor.  Our prayer for them is that God would richly bless them as
they walk in faith and obedience to Him!  Amen and Amen!!!
Global Revival Network Bible College
Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening