If you are a ministry located in the 3rd World and you are looking for a wealthy individual or ministry located in America, Great Britain or Australia to blindly fund your work, GRN is not the right place for you. We learned long ago
NEVER to put your trust in men, but to
ALWAYS look to God as your Source and Supplier for all things. Although it is possible for any ministry worldwide to
FUND ITSELF through fervent, effectual prayer, GRN is not in the habit of simply giving money away, particularly to those who have not established their worth, integrity and personal honor through extended partnership with us. There will come a time in the very near future when a catastrophic financial disaster will overtake the civilized world. At that time, only those ministries who have learned to rely solely on the Lord will survive. Ministries that have adopted a
"beggar" mentality and approach will collapse as their sources of revenue abruptly dry up and disappear. We want you and all faithful, honorable ministries worldwide to be able to stand despite the adversity and prosper in the midst of famine, just as Isaac did so many years ago
(Genesis 26:12-14).