The Global Revival Network is first and foremost a prayer network, as prayer is essential to birthing true revival. Every Member and Associate Member of the Global Revival Network will be incorporated into a Prayer Team, varying from 12-25 Members. Each Member and Associate Member will be teamed with a Prayer Partner, sometimes in their local group, sometimes in another country. James says that we are to pray for one another so that WE may be healed. It has been Dr. Young's experience that roughly 70% of the prayers he prays for others get answered, but only about 30% of the prayers that he prays for himself.

In the Gospel of John, a party was held in the house of Mary and Martha, celebrating the resurrection of their brother Lazarus. During the course of events, it became obvious that Martha was a "bumblebee" and Mary was a "butterfly". Martha was oriented toward the tasks at hand while Mary sat at Jesus' feet, soaking in His teaching. Many years ago, Dr. Young had a fascinating experience with another Mary and Martha, both of them like their Biblical counterparts. During an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with healings, signs, wonders and miracles, Mary requested prayer for her feet, which were causing her great pain. Martha, ever the "bumblebee", immediately requested that Mary sit in a chair while Martha knelt in front of her, holding Mary's feet in her hands. What no one knew was that Martha also had severe foot pain. As Martha prayed for Mary, not only was Mary healed but Martha was also healed! Dr. Young has found that one of the keys to a rich, fulfilling and fruitful prayer life is to spend your time praying not so much for yourself and your own needs but rather to pray for the needs of others around you, both immediate and distant. Prayer needs to be selfless in order to truly be effective. George Mueller, one of the greatest prayer warriors of all time, said it this way - "Have no mind of your own in the matter". Let the Holy Spirit show you the direction your prayers should go.

Organizing intercessors produces synergy, which means that the sum of the total is greater than the sum of its parts. Synergy is at work when "Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand" (Leviticus 26:8). A multiplication of twenty produces a hundred-fold victory.

We know that by uniting Intercessors together and providing focused directives for prayer, it allows all of the intercessors of the Global Revival Network to focus the power of their intercession toward the achieving of specific goals with tremendous "killing" power, thus destroying the works of the devil, just as Jesus did. This powerful intercession will birth true revival on both a personal and corporate level:

Short-Term Prayer Goals of the Network include seeking God on behalf of our families, our finances, and our health (FFH), with healing, strength and stamina for the Intercessor and other family members and friends. With this in mind, as the Global Revival Network grows in strength, these three key areas will be the primary areas of focus as we pray together for one another's needs. Although birthing true revival will be our first and foremost focus in prayer, with every single member of the Revival Network praying fervently and effectively for the fire of God to fall, first on the Church and then also on America and the world, our second layer of prayer will be focused on meeting the needs found in these three key areas, as we pray, one for the other.

Long-Term Prayer Goals include the restoration of the existing Church to a condition of purity and fervor regarding the things of God, the conversion of new souls into the Kingdom of God, birthing the Final Great Awakening, that great move of God which will immediately precede the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Long-Term Prayer Goals also include the transformation of the value systems of the nations, and prayers of appeal that seek the removal of politicians, judges and other officials from office whose rulings, legislation and personal actions stand in clear violation of the revealed Word of God.

Finally, our long term goals include helping the Bride portion of the Church, the true Church within the formal church, to make Herself ready, so that Christ can return and the Wedding Party can begin.