Final Great Awakening Ministries
Anyone can become a Team, District, State, National, Regional or Continental Coordinator given enough time and an established track record of personal holiness, effective recruiting, good management skills and, above all, the wisdom which comes from spending time with God and getting His Mind on all matters. However, as the Global Revival Network grows and spreads across the world, many of the Prayer Teams may develop into or spawn truly Five-Fold churches. When that occurs, a new level of credentialing and accountability becomes necessary. A church must, by definition, be led by a Pastor and that fact, by definition, requires pastoral certification and credentialing.
Final Great Awakening Ministries fills that void and provides certification and credentialing for new ministers joining the Global Revival Network and Final Great Awakening Ministries and for new ministers being created as a logic extension of the enabling of the comlete Five-Fold Ministry structure. If a truly Five-Fold ministry model is permitted to operate it automatically creates new Five-Fold churches and ministers on a regular basis.
Any healthy organism in nature is capable of reproducing itself. It is only when an organism gets too old or sick that its capability to create offspring ceases. It is a sad commentary that many Christian denominations and churches no longer give birth to new Teachers, Pastors, Evangelists, Prophets and Apostles. This is how the Church across the world is supposed to grow, a living, breathing, reproducing organism made of both flesh and blood and Spirit, creating new believers through the New Birth, maturing them through Complete Sanctification, empowering them as spiritual adults through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and perfecting them through the Fullness of the Measure of the Stature of Christ. This clearly defined four-step process fulfills Ephesians 4:11-13 and helps the Bride to make Herself ready for Her Perfect Groom to return for Her.
How to Be Credentialed As A Mininster in FGAM
There are two simple ways to become credentialed as a minister of the Gospel in FGAM. The first is through an INTERNAL credentialing process. How is that accomplished? Let's say that someone joins GRN as a member of a Prayer Team and after a period of time developes into a competent Team Leader who is also an excellent recruiter. Eventually they will grow their Prayer Team to a point where it will have to subdivide into two groups. As time goes on, those two groups might have to subdivide again. At a certain point in time, many of the members of the groups, now familiar with true Five-Fold worship experiences and hungry for more of God desire to start a church, with the original Team Leader as a Pastor. At that point in time, the Prayer Team Coordinator would apply for a Ministerial License through FGAM. Because they had already demonstrated a clear ability to live a pure and holy life, provide godly leadership to one or more groups and recruit new members in GRN, the only thing that would be required is that the applying Team Leader fill in and submit a Ministerial Credentials Application Form to the District or State Coordinator directly above them.
Once the application has been reviewed and the individual vouched for by his or her Overseer, ministerial credentials would be granted to the individual. All of the ethical standards required of a Coordinator in GRN would still be required of a FGAM Pastor. In fact, we view it as wise that FGAM Pastors remain as Team Leaders in GRN and as participating members in another Prayer Team as a means of spiritual accountability. EVERYONE needs SOMEONE to shepherd over their soul, care for them and watch lovingly for any signs of impending trouble. It has been our experience that ministers have to carry all of the burdens of their congregation but often have no one who is willing, capable and worthy of carrying the burdens of the minister himself. GRN and FGAM provide a caring, loving, holy network of believers and trusted friends to whom a struggling pastor can go.
The second way that someone can be credentialed in FGAM as a Minister is through an EXTERNAL credentialing process, where someone who already has ministerial credentials with another Christian organization desires to become a FGAM minister. Provided that the individual in question is a member in good standing with the organization in which they are already a part, FGAM credentials may be issued with the following stipulations:
Receiving FGAM ministerial credentials does not mean that the individual in question has to give up his or her existing credentials in their current organization. FGAM, just like GRN, is INCLUSIVE rather than EXCLUSIVE. We understand that there may be good reasons why someone would want to carry dual credentialing and we have no problem with that. A standard Application Form must be filled out.