The Global Revival Network actually consists of FOUR networks, all interconnected with one another.

First and foremost, we are a PRAYER NETWORK, joining believers from every nation, kindred, tribe and tongue in an interactive prayer grid where every single member of the Network can post Prayer Requests and Praise Reports. It does not matter if they are a minister, an educator, a businessman or a simply a normal, everyday Believer. When they post a prayer request they are automatically connected into our prayer grid. Their prayer request also goes directly to their PRAYER PARTNER, a full member of GRN who has been assigned to them by our International Headquarters.

Secondly, we are a MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION NETWORK. Most but not all of our members are also Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We provide personal credentialing for all five Offices in the Five-Fold Ministry, along with specialized credentialing for Psalmists, Intercessors and other forms of ministry not specifically listed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:11-13. In addition, we also provide credentialing for CHURCHES. As an example, a particular church might have three individuals who perform the work of the ministry in that church. The Global Revival Network can credential the church itself as well as provide credentialing for the three pastors involved.

Third, we are an EDUCATIONAL NETWORK. We take the admonition of Proverbs to raise up a child in the way that they should go very seriously and realize that the more quickly a young person is exposed to a comprehensive approach to the Gospel and the more quickly they are provided with the technical skills required to be successful professionally, the more likely they are to become a true agent of change in their respective nation for good, impacting the political, economic and spiritual framework of their country and region to help to bring about true revival across the land. We are in the process of implementing PRIMARY, SECONDARY and POST-SECONDARY educational opportunities for students across all our member nations.

Fourth, we are a BUSINESS NETWORK. Although the Global Revival Network itself is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization in the United States and an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in each of our respective nations outside of the United States, we have a real concern and appreciation for the financial needs of God's children and our members. Most of the GRN leaders have experience in multiple fields such as ministry, education, business, technology and others. One of our long-range goals is to set up consulting resources for other GRN members so that experienced men and women of God can lead, support and encourage other members who are trying to break the curse of poverty off of their necks. We are committed to the proposition that when a GRN member undertakes a financial project, that we will cover that project not just with prayer, although that will come first, but also with skill and resources to help them succeed in a godly, honorable fashion.