...So when the Lord told Dr. Young that the Spirit would come on individuals AND REMAIN ON THEM IN A STATE OF SPIRITUAL SATURATION, he became very excited. That meant that a Believer would lay their head on their pillow at night, bathed in His Glory and Presence through the Spirit, that this same individual would sleep through the night, also saturated in the Presence of God and awake praising and worshipping God, praying in the Spirit at all times and in all manners. The massive personality change that this would accomplish in the lives of the Saints would be immeasurable. Carnal, worldly conduct would simply disappear. Anger, wrath, jealously and all the other works of the flesh would also simply fade away, unable to compete with the Presence of the Almighty. Daniel 12:3 says that Believers will “shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever”. Given that in Revelation 1:14, Jesus Himself is described as having “eyes like a flame of fire”, it would not surprise us that during that complete SPIRIT SATURATION PERIOD prior to the Rapture that Believers would actually glow and shine like the sun just like Jesus Himself did on the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-2. As a final thought on this point, it is very clear from the Scriptures that Jesus was INDWELLED by the Spirit and then SATURATED in the Spirit in his earthly body. Now that His Resurrection Body is seated at the right hand of the Father, WE have become His earthly body. We are the BODY OF CHRIST ON EARTH! And if Jesus’ earthly body could be SATURATED and INDWELLED while He was here, WHAT KEEPS HIS EARTHLY BODY, US, FROM BEING SATURATED AND INDWELLED HERE AND NOW?

The second thing that the Lord told Dr. Young would happen during the Final Great Awakening was that the SPIRIT WOULD BE GIVEN WITHOUT MEASURE, LIMIT OR RESTRAINT. John the Baptist confirmed this in John 3:34 when, speaking of Jesus, he said that God does not give the Spirit by measure. On the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew Chapter 17, Jesus’ earthly body was filled to maximum capacity by the power of the Holy Spirit, so much, in fact, that His very clothing were so filled with radiant energy coming from His Body that the clothing itself actually became glisteningly white, as if it had just come from being bleached by the finest laundry in the world. For believers who are willing to focus themselves exclusively on Christ and allow all compromise to be removed from their lives, the Father will instruct Jesus to pour out His Shekinah Glory into our bodies and lives without any limitations being placed on that power. Once God knows that we can be trusted with His Glory and not try to take any of it for ourselves and to keep the vessel clean, He will be able to use it for any good purpose (II Timothy 2:21). This maximization of Holy Power will be completely demonstrated by the Two Witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11, who will be able to kill their enemies with fire (energy?) coming out of their mouths, shut the sky so that no rain falls, call down one plague after another on rebellious mankind and turn the drinkable waters of the Earth into blood. They will be unstoppable until finally Satan calls on Abaddon, the chief demon from the Abyss, to come and kill them. But even then the devil will not be able to stop them because three days later they will stand up totally alive and be drawn up into Heaven. Imagine walking in that kind of power!

The third thing that the Lord told Dr. Young would happen is that notable signs, wonders and miracles similar to those that occurred in the Old Testament would begin to occur again, including the Pillar of Smoke and Fire which led the Children of Israel through the Red Sea and to Mount Sinai. Amazingly enough, a small demonstration of this actually happened to Dr. Young some years ago. During a Sunday morning worship service, Dr. Young and some visiting ministers were gathered in a circle around an individual that they were praying for. That same Sunday, there was a three-woman praise and worship team visiting the church and ministering in song. They were standing on the platform away from the group that was praying when an incredible event occurred. It was the dead of winter and the church did not have adequate heating so a Coleman circular stove had been brought in to warm up the sanctuary to some degree. One of the ladies in the praise and worship group noticed a small curl of smoke coming up from inside of the circle of individuals praying. Fearing that someone’s coat had accidentally caught on fire, she began to move toward the group to warn them. Then, suddenly and without warning, the small curl of smoke turned into a huge column of smoke, surrounding the entire group that was praying. The praise and worship singer wanted to tell everyone what she was seeing, so she hurried to get off of the platform to tell everyone. But as she reached the edge of the platform, she also hit the edge of the cloud. When she did so, she was immediately slain in the Spirit, let out a little “yelp” and began to fall forward. The platform was at least three feet high and a fall from that height unconscious might have killed her or at least seriously injured her. Fortunately, Dr. Young heard her cry as she was rendered unconscious by the power of God and turned just in time to see her hurtling through the air, unconscious and headed for disaster. Dr. Young is a former college football lineman and at that time in his life was still quite strong. He caught the young woman in mid-air and laid her gently to the ground. Needless to say, the group immediately stopped praying and attended to her. When she came to, she related to the amazed group what had happened and what she had seen.