Confirmation of what the Lord told Dr. Young would happen came all the way from Africa in a most remarkable way. One Sunday Dr. Young was preaching about all of the things that the Lord had told him about the Final Great Awakening when a prophet friend of his named George Leaf unexpectedly showed up for the service. The congregation that Dr. Young had founded, called Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, shared the building that they were in with two African-American churches, one a COGIC congregation pastored by a good friend of Dr. Young named Nate Witherspoon and the other an independent Black Pentecostal congregation pastored by a brother named L. Eugene Vaughn. Brother Witherspoon and his church had the morning segment, Brother Vaughn had the evening segment and Dr. Young and Cornerstone had the afternoon segment. Brother Leaf had been in his own Sunday morning worship service when the Lord spoke clearly to him and told him to go to Dr. Young’s service that afternoon. The trip took over an hour and when Brother Leaf entered the sanctuary, Dr. Young was already preaching. As he listened to what Dr. Young was saying, the power of the Holy Spirit came on him and he began to cry profusely. Dr. Young knew him well enough to know that when the power of the Lord was on Brother Leaf that he cried continuously. Dr. Young stopped his sermon and asked Brother Leaf to come forward and share what the Lord had put on his heart. The story that Brother Leaf told the congregation left them in a state of awe and amazement.
It seems that several weeks prior to that, a missionary to Africa named Slim Thompson had visited Brother Leaf’s church on a fund-raising tour. Missionaries periodically often have to return to their native country in order to raise additional funds for ministry in the country they feel called to. When Brother Thompson was ministering to Brother Leaf’s congregation, he shared an amazing story. It seems that Brother Thompson, who is six feet, four inches tall and pale white to the point of almost being ghostly and who has blonde hair and even blonde eyebrows, was ministering in a section of Africa where the color of the skins for those individuals who live there is so dark that it almost has a bluish cast to it, a total contrast in the external appearance of the individuals concerned. But God doesn’t look on the outward appearance of a man, He looks on the HEART. Brother Thompson was preaching in a very remote section of Africa, so remote that there was no electronic contact with the outside at all. As he ministered the Word, he noticed a very short, very dark-skinned African man standing at the far edge of the group assembled there. The man’s eyes were wide like saucers, as if he was in a state of total astonishment. When Brother Thompson was done ministering to the group, he indicated that if anyone had a prayer need that he should come forward for prayer. The short black brother went to the front of the group immediately. He looked up at Brother Thompson, stuck his finger in Thompson’s face and said, "God told me if I came to this village today I would see a WHITE MAN. I DID NOT KNOW that there was such a thing as a WHITE man!" Brother Thompson listened, not sure if he believed the man or not. The small black brother continued his narrative. "God has told me several things and I must know if these things are true", he said. "First", he asked, "Is there such a country as U S A?" Brother Thompson smiled to himself. Surely everyone knew about the United States! "Yes", he answered, "there is." The small black man gave a sigh of relief and continued. "In this country, is there river named OHIO?" Brother Thompson felt a lump form in his throat. How many native Africans, particularly so far out in the veldt, away from any vestiges of civilization, knew ANY of the rivers in America? For that matter, how many Americans knew ANY of the major rivers of Africa??? Perhaps he WAS talking to a man who had heard from God! "Yes", Brother Thompson replied, "there is a river named the Ohio River located in the United States. It begins near Pittsburg and Wheeling, West Virginia and eventually empties out into the Mississippi River much further downstream". "Does this river start in mountains and come out to river valley?" asked the tiny African believer. Brother Thompson stopped to think for a second. Yes, in fact, the Ohio began in the Appalachian Mountains where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers came together in Pittsburgh, a city famous for streets so steep that they seem to go straight up and down and then empties out into the Ohio River valley, spanning West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. "Yes, my friend", replied Brother Thompson, "it certainly does". The diminutive Africans eyes sparkled with joy and the power of the Holy Spirit. "THIS", he nearly shouted, "IS WHERE GOD SAYS THE FINAL GREAT AWAKENING WILL BEGIN!"