Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening

All students must be committed to the absolute Lordship of Christ, giving evidence of that by a continuing relationship with Him, and
by a desire to reach greater maturity in Him in full obedience to His will. In order to be admitted into the Global Revival Network Bible
College, the following steps must be taken:
1. An application must be completed and accepted before the student attends a class for the first time. The application can be either an
online application done through our online application form found elsewhere on this web site or by means of a written application form,
downloadable in Adobe .pdf format, found below the online application form.
2. There is no registration fee for enrolling in any class at the Global Revival Network Bible College if the student is a foreign student or
a Free-Lance student. All other types of students, Full-Time, Part-Time and Audit, must pay the standard annual registration fee of
3. We require all students to be actively involved in a local church or cell group of some sort that provides some level of support and
accountability for the individual. If a student is not actively involved in a local church at the time of their registration, the Global
Revival Network Bible College will try to help them to connect with a local body of believers.
4. All admissions are subject to approval by the Admissions Committee, whose decisions are final. Enrollment for an individual may be
cancelled if it is found that the individual deliberately misrepresented themselves on their enrollment form or if it is found that the
individual is living in such a manner as to violate the fundamental rules for righteous living as outlined clearly in the New Testament.
Students must conduct themselves in honesty and integrity during their time as a part of the Global Revival Network Bible College, both
in their dealings in classes and in their personal lives. We simply will not permit sin to enter the camp.
Our system of credit does not make it necessary for a student to enroll at a particular time, nor to maintain continuous enrollment. Our
program is flexible, and thus able to meet the needs of the greatest number of people. Once a student is enrolled and their registration
form has been received, the student may elect to attend the Global Revival Network Bible College in one of several ways. Should the
student elect to attend classes on a "Free-Lance" basis, we only ask that they supply some sort of Love Offering on a class session by
class session basis, based solely on their financial resources at the time. There is no "Minimum Weekly Charge" of any sort in order to
attend classes. Should the student elect to receive academic credit for any class they are attending, arrangements must be made to pay
the appropriate tuition fees for the class. Details for these arrangements are found in the Student Tuition section. Additional details
outlining the various type of student statuses available can be found in the Types of Students section immediately following these
Students transferring from recognized theological seminaries will be given advanced standing to the extent that their credits approximate
the curriculum of the Global Revival Network Bible College. Since the Global Revival Network Bible College deems its courses essential
for graduation, it will seldom be possible to extend credit for subjects bearing minor similarity to those listed in the prescribed
curriculum. Courses graded less than a "C" will not be transferred. There are no fees for this evaluation.