Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening

Torah versus Mishnah
When the Founder of the Global Revival Network Bible College attended college himself as a Theology Major at a
major university in Indiana, he was astonished to find that in all the theology courses he took, not once was the
Bible itself a required text. Instead, all of his books, instructors and courses centered around the opinions of man
about God rather than God's opinions about man. This reverse orientation is best described by two Hebrew words,
Torah and Mishnah. Torah is the Holy Scriptures, God's opinion about man. It is what Jesus focused His entire
ministry upon and His knowledge of God's Holy Word allowed Him to trap the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees
time and time again with trick questions that their Scriptural training had not covered. Why? Because they, like
almost all seminaries in the world today, focus only on the opinions of men, the Mishnah, or Second Law. In fact,
when most sermons today are delivered to their respective congregations, they include very little Torah, perhaps a
single foundational Scriptural quote or two but much Mishnah, or the opinions of men. This reflects and echoes
what they were taught in Seminary or Bible College. The Global Revival Network Bible College categorically
rejects this philosophy and embraces a totally Torah-oriented approach to education. Given that at least 70% of
the teachers, pastors and evangelists in American today have never read their Bible from cover to cover but only
focused on certain Scriptures to support and embrace their denomination's doctrinal stances, we have chosen to
make our SOLE and ONLY textbook the divinely inspired Word of God. We realize that this separates us from
most of the seminaries and Bible colleges in the world today, and frankly, we are glad to say that it does. It is the
holy Word of God, not the relatively worthless opinions of men that transforms lives, saves souls, heals bodies and
delivers from the power of the evil one.

Because of our singular focus on the Word of God as our sole textbook, it would be difficult if not impossible for us
to seek the normal accreditation that most educational institutions value. We realize that accreditation has its place
in the educational world because the process seeks to ensure that a high standard of performance is guaranteed by
the various granting agencies. However, it has been the experience of Dr. Young that an incompetent or
unconcerned tenured faculty member can singlehandedly destroy the supposedly high standard that has been set in
his or her classes, with few if any repercussions against the professor or the educational institution in which he
teaches. Given all of this, we have chosen not to seek formal accreditation but rather to follow the pattern
established by many of the early educational institutions in America such as Harvard, Yale and many other
foundational universities when they were founded, to ACCREDIT THEMSELVES. When Harvard was founded,
there were no accreditation agencies to whom they could go to seek approval. Instead, they established an
INTERNAL COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE which created its own accreditation. Because our educational
model is so radically different from almost all other seminaries and Bible colleges and because we simply refuse to
compromise our educational philosophy we have no other choice but we are glad, not sad, about the decision.

Financial Aid
An unfortunate side effect of our stance on accreditation is that students enrolling in the Global Revival Network
Bible College are not eligible for financial aid from the federal government or other loan- and scholarship-granting
organizations. We regret that this is necessary, but we have made other arrangements in our methodology of
presenting classes and course materials that allow us to more than compensate for this.

Totally Modular Course Presentation
If you examine any of our online course syllabi, you will find that they are broken up into 10 class sessions. Because
we are an ONLINE Bible College, we do not need a "brick and mortar" environment to deliver course content. This
allows us to be a truly global Bible College, with students across the world. Instead of a traditional classroom, where
instructor and students are physically present, we connect educators with those being educated electronically. We do
this by means of PowerPoint teaching videos with embedded audio from the respective instructors. These teaching
videos can be viewed online or downloaded, ONE AT A TIME. Since each class session includes one or more teaching
videos, it makes it possible for us to make class materials available to the student, ONE CLASS MODULE AT A
TIME. In other words, it is like taking ten mini-classes instead of a single class. And, because we can deliver course
A TIME, thus limiting the financial outlay any student has for a given class to small, affordable monetary amounts.
Modular Course Payment
Using our PayPal payment option, a student can enroll in a single course, select one of the ten modular class sessions
and then PAY FOR THAT SESSION ALONE, giving them access to the teaching video(s) for that class session. In
this manner, a student may pay for a given class session one week, save up his or her money, and then pay for another
class session a day, a week, a month or even a year later, based on their financial situation. In fact, if the student is
enrolled in our unique Free-Lance student category, they may take ANY course module at ANY time. A Free-Lance
student is enrolled at the Global Revival Network Bible College not necessarily to gain a degree but rather to gain
knowledge and understanding. They may not be interested in all of the class topics for a given class, so they can
simply pay for and view only those class sessions that interest them. Our Free-Lance status is very similar to a
traditional audit student status, but modularized so that a student can take just those class modules that they want.
And, should the Free-Lance student desire to gain course credit for that particular class, once they have paid for and
viewed all of the ten class sessions for that course, they can request our comprehensive final exam for the course. If
they pass the test with a grade of 70 or better, they automatically will receive academic credit for the complete course.

Restoration of the Complete Five-Fold Ministry
In the 1st Century, the Church was governed wisely and with integrity by men who had both the practical experience
of walking with Jesus on a daily basis and the anointing and power to back up their decisions. Peter raised Dorcas
from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit but also sent Ananias and Sapphira into an early grave by that same
power. Unfortunately, because of human nature, enforcement of a truly godly standard requires not only good
intentions on the part of the enforcer but also an occasional show of force to bring the faithful who are considering
being less than faithful behind closed doors into line. Sadly, as the Church moved further and further away from the
integrity of the Word of God and more and more into the traditions of the Elders, both Apostolic and Prophetic
anointing began to wane until finally the Gospel had lost virtually all of its anointing and power and the top two
offices of Prophet and Apostle had gone out of business. With the introduction of the false doctrine of Universal
Salvation into the Church during the Middle Ages, leadership no longer felt the need for the office of the Evangelist.
From that point until the Reformation, the Church limped along with only the two bottom offices, that of Teacher and
Pastor, in place and functional after a fashion. Men like Luther and Wesley re-established the office of the Evangelist
so that men could again be saved. But even today, after another 500 years have passed, there is still an ongoing
struggle to restart and re-establish the Offices of the Prophet and the Apostle. Many so-called Prophets and Apostles
exist today, but many, perhaps the vast majority, are either fraudulent or teach and practice doctrines that are so
watered down that their confrontational and corrective roles have been stripped from them. The Global Revival
Network Bible College is geared to take incoming students through the entire five-step process, beginning with the
Teacher and ending with fully imparted, trained and equipped men and women of true Biblical power and authority to
restore order and integrity to the Body of Christ. Nothing short of a complete Five-Fold restoration will allow the
Bride to make Herself ready, to develop into a "perfect man", to the "fullness of the stature of the measure of Christ".
Revelation 19:7-8 chronicles this final, perfected state for the Bride by saying, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give
honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His Wife hath made Herself ready. And to Her was granted
that She should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints." It is a largely
unspoken, unpreached and untaught critical truth that THE BRIDEGROOM WILL NOT RETURN UNTIL HIS
BRIDE HAS MADE HERSELF READY. Dr. Ray Young, Founder and President of the Global Revival Network Bible
College has made it a practice for the last 35 years of asking fellow ministers of the Gospel one critical question: "Is
the Bride ready???" And without fail, each and every time, those pastors who were asked the question sadly hung
their heads in shame and sorrow and responded, "No, the Bride is NOT ready. She isn't even close to being ready." Yet
these same pastors have frequently trumpeted from their pulpits that Jesus could return at any moment and that all
the requirements for His return have been met. Invariably, they point to the existence of Israel and other external
political factors, but blindly ignore the carnality and corruption inside those who sit in the pews in front of them,
eagerly soaking up the gross distortion of what is required for our Lord and Savior to return. Dear friends, it is time
for the Bride to truly make Herself ready, assisted, directed and controlled by the two top offices, the Prophet and the