Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening
We are firmly committed to the following propositions:
In the absolute Lordship and Deity of
Christ, including His Pre-Existence, His
Virgin Birth and His Imminent Return to
this earth in glory and power to establish
His Eternal Kingdom.
In the full spiritual authority, the reliability, and
the Divine inspiration of the Bible. However, our
view of Scripture is conservative and affirmative
rather than fundamentalist or narrowly legalistic.
That nothing can replace the importance of the local church in the program of God. Each local church should be under
the immediate sovereignty of the Holy Spirit and should determine its own character and role in obedience to the will of
God, that the great task of each local church is to propagate itself by establishing other churches and the great task of
the combined church is worldwide evangelism and that membership in the church is signified by participation in its
worship, fellowship, sacraments and witness and by acceptance of its disciplines. This union with Christ through His
church (His "body" on earth) brings with it God's promise of eternal life and of an inheritance in His Kingdom.

That true worship should be spontaneous; that it must involve the worshipper's total being and that a free style of
worship is more effective and more spiritually powerful than one that is tightly structured, that the baptism of the Holy
Spirit, initially signified by speaking in unknown tongues, is an essential component of effective Christian life and witness
and that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit must function in the local church in order for it to truly fulfill its mission to be the
body of Christ within the community.
That the church cannot fulfill its mission
apart from the five Ascension Gift Ministries
that Christ has sent into the world: Apostles,
Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.
We accept that it is part of our task to
recognize those individuals and to assist in
equipping them to fulfill their ministry.
That Jesus purchased healing, salvation and
deliverance by His stripes at Calvary and that
this healing should be appropriated by faith,
especially in conjunction with the following:
communion, anointing with oil, laying on of
hands and prayer in the Name of our Lord
Jesus, Who alone is the Healer.
In the reality of Satan and the kingdom of
darkness over which he reigns and of the
absolute triumph of Christ over the devil and
all his works and in exorcism as an important
and valid part of the ministry of the church.
That faith is the key to activating the limitless
power of the promises of God. The ability to use
this faith for salvation, healing, deliverance,
signs, wonders and miracles is granted to us
through Christ, that commanding mountains to
move in the Name of Jesus is a fulfillment of
those promises and that every Christian should
have one unyielding goal: to succeed in doing all
that God has commanded them to do.
That a victorious Christian life is built upon a
proper understanding of the position of
righteousness that God has given us in Christ
and upon the exercise of the spiritual
authority conveyed to the believer by that gift
of righteousness.
In the resurrection of the dead at Christ's return,
in the certainty of God's judgment and in the
inescapable result of that judgment foretold in
the Scriptures for the just and for the unjust.
Embracing the identity and mission the above points give us, we can best be described as an Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Faith Oriented school. This is the position maintained in our classes. However, we do respect other viewpoints and we try to avoid being rigidly dogmatic or critical of those who differ from us.