Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening

Just as the Global Revival Network Bible College focuses on the Word of God in our undergraduate programs, in the same manner we maintain that
same focus in our graduate level Masters and Doctoral programs. We feel very strongly that a sound, comprehensive understanding of the Holy
Scriptures with all of the principles and examples contained therein is the finest foundation that can be given to any individual called into the
ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While we do not negate other sources of information and revelation found in our Church Growth or
Enhanced Ministry courses, they are nonetheless secondary to our primary goal. Because many of our students are from the 3rd World and lack the
traditional American access to resources and funds, it is critically important for us to maintain the same access to our graduate programs for them
as we do in our undergraduate ones by staying focused on the single most important textbook in the world, the Bible.
While course substitution is permissible to some degree in the undergraduate program, in the graduate level we have deliberately allowed for some
electives available to the Masters and Doctoral level candidates. We feel that by this time, their discernment about what is and is not useful to them
in course content is much more accurate. Additional course substitution is available, again within the parameters defined in the undergraduate
Masters Degree in Theology Program
(From CG, EM or ET Categories)
(From CG, EM or ET Categories)
Our Doctoral program maintains the same Biblical emphasis as all of the previous disciplines, with one elective course and a final doctoral
dissertation as the last course in the program. The doctoral dissertation must be on a topic related to either the prophetic or apostolic ministry and
office and must avoid plagiarism at all costs. While being careful to remain solidly within the parameters defined within the logos, or Written Word
of God and ascribing to the fundamental principle that all matters must be established and verified by two of three witnesses in terms of
foundational Scriptures, the candidate for the Doctor of Theology is encouraged to see the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for both the topic and the
content of their doctoral dissertation. In this way, they remain solidly Biblical and within accepted Church doctrine while allowing the Holy Spirit
that defines, shapes and drives both the Prophetic and Apostolic offices to guide them into all truth. We rejoice at students who have shown the
necessary vigilance required to come to the doctoral level and we praise and worship the God of Heaven who has given them the drive and insight
necessary to pursue this honor. Our prayer for them is that God would richly bless them as they walk in faith and obedience to Him! Amen and
Doctorate in Theology Program
(From CG, EM or ET Categories)