Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening
School of Biblical Studies

School of Applied Theology
Note: If any course number and
description shows as an active link, it
means that the course has a complete
syllabus and is available to students
to be taken or is currently
work-in-process and will be available
soon. If any course number and
description do not show as an active
link, it means that the course does
not yet have a syllabus and is
therefore not yet available but will be
in the near future.
School Of Apostles and Prophets
Note: All End-Times Theology
courses are taken directly from
the written materials of Dr. Ray
Young, Founder and President of
the Global Revival Network and
Global Revival Network Bible
College. ET 310 through ET 370
are taken directly from the
Unrolling the Scroll series and
the reading assignments for each
course match with the daily
step-by-step narratives in each
book. The same is also true for
ET 380, which is taken from Dr.
Young's book, How to Survive the
Coming Crash.