Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening

Since the Global Revival Network Bible College is a relatively new institution, we do not have a battery of endowments and scholarship
funds available to us like other, more established educational institutions do. We have attempted to work around that problem in two
ways. First, by offering the Free-Lance student status, we make it possible for our students to pay for their education one class and one
classroom session at a time. This eliminates the need for a student to go deeply into debt in order to gain the Biblical training they desire.
While this educational philosophy enables many individuals who wish to obtain theological training, it does not specifically address the
desire of an individual who wants to attend classes full-time, but lacks the funds. For this reason, we also call on those interested
individuals who visit this site who have financial resources to consider donating to our General Scholarship Fund. This fund is dedicated
exclusively to helping students pay for their higher education, and is distributed on an as-needed, merit-of-individual basis. The Bible says
that we are to do good to all men, ESPECIALLY to them that are of the Household of Faith. In accordance with that philosophy,
scholarship funds will be awarded on a class-by-class basis to those individuals who clearly demonstrate a genuine financial need and
demonstrate a solid Christian lifestyle, as exemplified by a life lived in Biblical integrity, charity and kindness towards others, faithfulness
in church attendance and involvement, and a testimony and reputation in the community as one who serves Christ without reservation and
without serious major character flaw. Our Financial Committee will review each application and award funds where appropriate. In
donating to the Global Revival Network Bible College, you will be equipping and enabling a whole new generation of individuals who want
to live for Christ in every area of their lives.
We thank you and bless you, in Jesus' Holy Name, in advance for your generosity. Donations may be made by contacting us , writing us
and sending a check or money order or donating online via our PayPal option.. All contributions are tax-deductible. This represents your
way to support a young man or woman in gaining their theological training and still receive tax credit for your generosity. Thank you and
God bless you!
(Our PayPal donation link will be inserted here very shortly)