Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening

The Global Revival Network Bible College takes a unique and distinctive approach to what is traditionally a standard and rigid approach to
student status, classroom attendance and tuition fees. In so doing, we combine the best of the world of traditional higher education with a
radically new approach to disseminating the Word of God to the children of God. At GRNBC we have four different types of students:
1. The "Traditional" Student
a. Full-Time, often enrolling straight out of High School.
b. Pays normal annual Registration Fee.
c. Pays full tuition charges for classes, books when required.
d. Attends classes on a regular basis.
e. Takes and passes all tests for classes enrolled in.
f. Must earn a passing grade of at least a C for the course in order to receive credit for the class.
g. Generally working toward some type of degree.
2. The "Non-Traditional" Student
a. Generally attends school part-time.
b. Often works full-time.
c. Often older, more mature individual.
d. Pays normal annual Registration Fee.
e. Pays tuition charges for classes taken, books when required.
f. Attends classes on a regular basis.
g. Takes and passes all tests for classes enrolled in.
h. Must earn a passing grade of at least a C for the course in order to receive credit for the class.
i. May or may not be working toward a degree.
3. The "Audit" Student
a. Attends school part time.
b. Often works full time.
c. Often older, more mature individual.
d. Has to pay same Registration Fee, tuition fees as #1 and #2.
e. May not have to attend all classes.
f. Takes no tests.
g. Receives no grade, no credit for class.
h. Goal is to acquire knowledge, not earn a degree.
All of these first three types of students are standard and normal for almost any institution of higher learning. At the Global Revival Network
Bible College we also have these three ways in which a student can interact with the institution and approach their educational goals. But
traditional Christian institutions of higher learning have overlooked a vast, untapped market of individuals that are hungering and thirsting
for righteousness, saints of God who desperately want to know more about the Word of God, but are hindered by various circumstances in
their lives from gaining that knowledge through any of the previous three traditional models.
In some cases the hindrance is financial. Tuition at most Bible Colleges and Universities can range anywhere from $100.00 to over $450.00 per
credit hour. Since most classes are considered three hour classes, that means that for an individual to take a single class it will cost them
anywhere between $300.00 to $1,350.00 for the class. The vast majority of working Christians simply do not have those kind of discretionary
funds available. Many parents who send their children off to college have to go deeply in debt in order for their children to attend.
Alternately, the students themselves have to obtain student loans that have to eventually be repaid at some point in time after the student
graduates. Often that places the student in serious financial distress once they are finally in the work place. Regardless of who has to pay, it
puts believers deeply into debt at a time when America's financial stability and the general financial stability of the world in general is being
called more and more into question.
In other cases, transportation to and from classes may present a problem. In a traditional educational model, the student who has to miss
classes always pays a severe penalty for those absences. This is also true when the student has a variable work schedule in which the employer
is not willing to be negotiable and work around the class schedule of the student. No matter what the reason, the simple truth is the vast
number of people who would love to gain knowledge and understanding of the Word of God are locked out of the existing educational
When we compare this educational model to the one that Jesus so effectively used, it becomes obvious immediately that something is terribly
wrong. In Matthew, when Jesus looked on the multitudes, He saw that they were like sheep without a shepherd, and He had compassion on
them. How did He express that compassion? Not just through healing, although the Bible records that He healed all that came to Him.
Instead, He also taught them many things. He did not ask for Registration Fees. He did not charge a tuition fee per hour for His time.
HOLY WORD. He trusted His Heavenly Father to provide for His needs through the tender and sensitive hearts of those who followed Him
and believed in Him and the Sacred Scriptures record that He never lacked for anything in His earthly ministry. Instead, groups of
individuals, many of whom were women, faithfully followed He and His disciples and supplied all of their needs out of their own finances.
In analyzing this Biblical model and comparing it to the standard, worldly model of higher education which the Church has so eagerly
embraced, it became obvious to the founder and President of the Global Revival Network Bible College that a 4th educational model and
type of student was necessary. This new model would be patterned after the model that Jesus Himself used in Galilee almost 2,000 years ago.
It would have to co-exist with the three existing traditional models, but it would not be competing with them, but rather complementing them.
Here, then, is the 4th model, a totally new but very, very old approach to higher education for the saints of God:
4. The "Free-Lance" Student
a. Has the same desire to learn as Types 1-3.
b. Generally lacks the time, transportation or finances to pursue their dream.
c. In the world of higher education, this would end their pursuit of higher education.
d. Unfortunately, the church has too often adopted this attitude.
e. That attitude is a direct violation about what both Jesus and Paul taught about sharing resources and not denying opportunities to others.
f. The Free-Lance student status requires NO REGISTRATION FEES, TUITION FEES OR BOOKS!
g. A Free-Lance student may attend ANY CLASS OFFERED at ANY TIME DURING THE QUARTER.
h. A one-time registration is required the first time a student attends a class, but no registration fee is charged.
i. This registration information will be used exclusively by GRNBC for informing students of new classes in coming academic sessions.
j. Free-Lance students are asked to provide some sort of Love Offering of any size each time they attend a class session.
k. This Love Offering has no minimum amount attached to it, but should be in proportion to what the student has and the benefit which the
student has received educationally and spiritually during the classroom session.
l. Because of this old/new paradigm in Christian learning, NO STUDENT WHO WANTS TO LEARN WILL EVER BE TURNED AWAY
m. If a Free-Lance students has attended a sufficient number of class sessions in a given course and WANTS TO CONVERT IT INTO A
FOR-CREDIT COURSE, they will have the power to do so, provided they fulfill the following requirements:
(1) Be able to take all tests for the course and pass the course with at least a "C" average.
(2) Pay the appropriate annual registration fee and the tuition fees required for the class.
(3) The student is required to pay only the BALANCE of the tuition required once their previous Love Offerings have been subtracted from
the full amount.
(4) For example, if a student were to provide a Love Offering of $15.00 each week and attended 8 of the 10 scheduled class sessions, that would
mean that they had already paid $120.00 toward their full tuition.
(5) If tuition was a standard $70.00 per credit hour, that would mean that the full tuition due for the normal three-hour class would be $210.00.
(6) That would mean that the Free-Lance student would be able to convert the class from Free-Lance status to Credit Status by merely paying
the balance of $90.00, provided that they had already paid the conventional annual Registration Fee of $50.00 prior to taking the class.
n. A Free-Lance student may convert one class at a time into Credit Status without ever giving up their Free-Lance Status.
o. This allows the Free-Lance student to PAY FOR THEIR EDUCATION AS THEY GO, A LITTLE AT A TIME!
p. A completed class with passing grades in Free-Lance status may be converted to Credit status AT ANY TIME following the end of the
quarter. Free-Lance status classes remain so indefinitely or until they are converted to Credit classes by completing the payment of the
standard tuition rates.
q. Because of classroom time restraints, Free-Lance students who have missed previous class sessions are not permitted to ask the instructor to
re-cover materials that were covered in class sessions that they missed. This would penalize the other students. Private tutoring may be
arranged on a Love Offering basis.
r. A Free-Lance student may spend their entire educational stay at the Global Revival Network Bible College in Free-Lance status, yet earn a
certificate or diploma by simply converting classes attended and passed into credit classes by paying them off one at a time, as their finances
permit it. Truly, no more flexible learning system exists anywhere in the world! Welcome to the educational world of the Global Revival
Network Bible College, where Christ is the Model and Faith is the Guide!
As you can readily see, this 4th Model of student involvement provides the maximum in flexibility both financially and academically for the
individual who desperately wants to learn but is hindered by whatever circumstances have arisen. Since this new paradigm is different from
traditional thinking on the matter, you may have questions that this web page has not answered. Please feel free to contact us and we will be
glad to answer any questions that you might have!
All class sessions normally are two hours long, with special time reserved after each class for individual questions, prayer and ministry time for
the needs of the students, just as Jesus did while He was here on earth.