Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening

In the Book of Acts, we are given a clear model of how the office of the Evangelist is supposed to operate. Phillip, originally designated to
help administer a food distribution program, found himself suddenly thrust into an area that KNEW NOTHING OF CHRIST. Undaunted, he
simply proclaimed to them the Christ. Just as the Gospel of Mark predicted, his message was confirmed by the signs that attended it. People
were saved, baptized in the Name of Jesus, healed and delivered. Demons came out with a shout. As a result a body of believers was formed
creating a brand new local church. When Phillip had done all that he could do, John and Peter, both of whom were Apostles, came from
Jerusalem to finish the job by laying hands on all the new converts to make sure that they were Baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence
of Speaking In Unknown Tongues. Eventually, Phillip would marry and have four wonderful daughters who would move to an anointing level
higher than his, that of prophetess.
Later on in the Book of Acts, we find Paul and Barnabas sent out by prophetic mandate from within the first Gentile church in Antioch,
graduating from the offices of Teacher and Pastor into the office of Evangelist. It is in Paul that we find the classic pattern for the
Evangelistic office. The model is simple: move into an area where the Gospel has not been heard before, and begin preaching publicly and
working privately from house to house in order to build up a local body of believers. Then train, teach and shepherd their minds, hearts and
souls until individual members of the body have grown sufficiently to mature into deacons and elders who are capable of taking over the
leadership of the local church. Once that has been accomplished, something usually requiring a period of two to three years, the evangelist
then would MOVE ON to a new location in order to plant a new church, with signs, wonders and miracles accompanying him. This is the
Biblical model that Evangelists are supposed to follow. Despite the current practice common in the church, Evangelists are NOT supposed to
preach in established churches. The already evangelized do not need re-evangelization. That is the domain of the Teacher and Pastor within
the local body. One of the great failures in the church is the unwillingness of Evangelists to take up their God-ordained role outside of the
church walls. In truth, all Evangelists are supposed to be Missionaries. This flies in the face of the model which developed in the church over
the last 500 years, but it is in total compliance with the Biblical model established almost 2,000 years ago, a model which, when implemented
properly, produces explosive growth, both in terms of new church plants and in terms of new believers being added daily to the local body.