Global Revival Network Bible College Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening

The 4th Office in the Five-Fold Ministry is that of the Prophet. In the 1st Century AD, all five offices were in place and fully functional but as
time went on and the Church began to compromise the Gospel and depart from a literal interpretation of the Word of God, the anointing of
the Holy Spirit also began to leave and the power offices of the church, the Prophet and Apostle, went "out of business". During the Middle
Ages a false doctrine regarding what is called Universal Salvation was introduced into the Church which taught that EVERYONE was saved,
thus eliminating the need for the Evangelist. The church then suffered through the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance with only the offices of
Teacher and Pastor in place. With Martin Luther and the rediscovery of Justification By Faith and John Wesley and the rediscovery of the
need for the New Birth, the evangelist was restored to the Body. Although prophetic individuals appeared throughout that period, it was not
until the Azusa Street outpouring that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit were fully reintroduced to the Body of Christ. With the practice of these
gifts over a period of time, Prophets gradually began to reappear. Many in that movement were truly powerful men and women of God. In
the Charismatic Movement of the 1960's and 70's, new teachings regarding prophecy were introduced into the Body, some of which were
significantly incorrect based on an incomplete reading of Scripture regarding the Gift and the Office. Many churches today teach that a
prophet can only issue prophecies that exhort or edify and that the day of the confrontational and corrective prophet of the Old Testament has
passed away. Nothing could be further from the truth. If ever the church needed confrontation and correction, it is now. As such, any
curriculum which cripples the prophetic ministry in such a way is doing a grave disservice to the Body of Christ. Although Prophets must be
careful and mature when they issue confrontational and corrective prophecies, nonetheless these kinds of prophecies are absolutely necessary
for the Body of Christ to come into full maturity and to maintain a strong level of purity and holiness.