We are a MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION NETWORK. Most of our members are also Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We provide personal credentialing for all five Offices in the Five-Fold Ministry, along with specialized credentialing for Psalmists, Intercessors and other forms of ministry not specifically listed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:11-13. In addition, we also provide credentialing for CHURCHES.

Every GRN Member receives a Membership Card with your name and picture on it so that you can proudly show others that you are a part of the Global Revival Network. Every member also receives a Membership Certificate outlining the responsibilities and privileges granted by the Certificate. Being a part of a Global Prayer Network is something that carries great responsibility as well as great privilege. Do you want to be part of the movement that changes the world ONE FINAL TIME before the Return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? If so, then join with us in a GLOBAL Network of believers, all crying out to the Lord to pour out His Spirit!!!