What kind of word processing package do you have? It really doesn't matter! We have provided all the key Global Revival Network materials to you in three different downloadable formats. For those of you who have no word processing package or the package you are using is for some reason incompatible with Microsoft Word, we have included an Adobe .pdf format downloadable link. Adobe Reader is free online and readily available to anyone who wants it. On the other hand, if you have Microsoft Word 1997-2003, which uses a .doc format, we have provided a link to that. And finally, if you have Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 or some compatible softward package that uses this format, we've got a .docx version of the document as well! No matter what your situation, Global Revival Network has you covered! Please remember that although Word documents are readily modifiable through the appropriate version of Word, .pdf documents CANNOT be modified by Adobe Reader. You need the full Adobe package in order to do that. If you are a National Coordinator and you need help modifying any of the documents to reflect the appropriate Membership Fee for your nation and you don't have the software package to do it, please contact Dr. Ray Young, the Global Coordinator, at pastorray@twc.com and ask for help. We will be glad to provide it.
One final note on the downloadable documents: If you run this web site through the Google Online Translation Engine, some of our downloadable documents, particularly the Tri-Fold Flyer and to some degree the Membership Application, documents that make extensive use of graphics, don't convert cleanly. We apologize for this, but the Translation Engine isn't perfect, just very good, and there are things that it doesn't know how to handle. If you need help converting one of our downloadable documents into your native language, please contact Dr. Young at pastorray@twc.com and request assistance.
Tri-Fold Flyer (.doc - Word 2003)
Tri-Fold Flyer (.docx - Word 2007 & 2010)
Tri-Fold Flyer (.pdf - Adobe Reader)
Explanation Letter (.doc - Word 2003)
Explanation Letter (.docx - Word 2007 & 2010)
Explanation Letter (.pdf - Adobe Reader)
Membership Application Form (.doc - Word 2003)
Membership Application Form (.docx - Word 2007
& 2010)
Membership Application Form (.pdf - Adobe Reader)
Members Manual (.doc - Word 2003)
Members Manual (.docx - Word 2007 & 2010)
.pdf - Adobe Reader)
Membership Certificate (.doc - Word 2003)
Membership Certificate (.docx - Word 2007
& 2010)
Membership Certificate (.pdf - Adobe Reader)
Monthly Reporting Form (.doc - Word 2003)
Monthly Reporting Form (.docx - Word 2007
& 2010)
Monthly Reporting Form (.pdf - Adobe Reader)
Personal Discipline Log (.doc - Word 2003)
Personal Discipline Log (.docx - Word 2007
& 2010)
Personal Discipline Log (.pdf - Adobe Reader)
Fruit Inspector Worksheet (.doc - Word 2003)
Fruit Inspector Worksheet (.docx - Word 2007
& 2010)
Fruit Inspector Worksheet (.pdf - Adobe Reader)
(We will be adding additional documents and forms in the very near future, but these basic forms and documents will allow anyone to either make a complete assessment of GRN and make a decision as to if they want to join, or provide for a working set of documents for someone who has already committed and joined GRN and is ready to begin building one or more Prayer Teams. May God richly bless you as you walk in faith and obedience to Him! Amen and Amen!)