Welcome to the Online Members Manual. Page 1 of the Online Manual below has been divided into the following sections. Simply click on one of the links in the list below to take you to the sections you want to read.

Short-Term & Long-Term Goals

A. Focused, “Rifle” prayer vs. “Shotgun” prayer – As Dr. Ray Young, founder of the Global Revival Network, has studied Intercessors and intercession, he has discovered that, although many intercessors pray fervently and effectively, they are often scattered as a group and praying in wildly different directions, just like a shotgun. Although the pellets coming from the shell of a shotgun can harm and certainly sting, they are not likely to kill like the single, directed bullet coming from the barrel of a rifle. By uniting Intercessors together and providing focused directives for prayer, it allows all of the intercessors of the Global Revival Network to focus the power of their intercession toward the achieving of specific goals with tremendous “killing” power, thus destroying the works of the devil, just as Jesus did.

B. Short-Term Prayer Goals of the Network – Over the last 30 years that Dr. Young has spent in pastoral ministry, he has discovered that 90-95% of all prayer requests that come to him fall into one of three distinct categories, which may be described with the acronym, “FFH”. These three categories are:
  1. Family, particularly unsaved family members, or those who are not living in a sold-out manner for Christ, often centering around the conduct of grown but still rebellious children.
  2. Finances, where the lack of adequate finances prevents the Intercessor or Minister from fulfilling the desire of their heart, which is to enter into full-time ministry for the Lord and not to have to deal with a secular job which steals time and focus from the work of the Kingdom.
  3. Health, healing, strength and stamina for the Intercessor and other family members and friends.

With this in mind, as the Global Revival Network grows in strength, these three key areas will be the primary areas of focus as we pray together for one another’s needs. Although birthing true revival will be our first and foremost focus in prayer, with every single member of the Revival Network praying fervently and effectively for the fire of God to fall, first on the Church and then also on America and the world, our second layer of prayer will be focused on meeting the needs found in these three key areas, as we pray, one for the other.

C. Long-Term Prayer Goals.
  1. The restoration of the existing Church to a condition of purity and fervor regarding the things of God.
  2. The conversion of new souls into the Kingdom of God in large numbers, both domestically and internationally.
  3. Birthing the Final Great Awakening, that great move of God which will immediately preclude the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  4. The transformation of American and overseas Church culture and value systems and a restoration of ethical standards back to a godly, sanctified morality, because as America goes, so goes the world.
  5. The removal of politicians, judges and other officials from office whose rulings, legislation and personal actions stand in clear violation of the revealed Word of God.
  6. The transfer of true revival from the United States to the “uttermost parts of the Earth”.
  7. Finally, helping the Bride portion of the Church, the true Church within the formal church, to make Herself ready, so that Christ can return and the Wedding Party can begin.

Prayer Partners

While every Member and Associate Member of the Global Revival Network will be incorporated into a Prayer Team, varying from 12-25 Members, each Member and Associate Member will be teamed with a Prayer Partner somewhere else in the world. This Prayer Partner will make sure that both Members talk and pray specifically for each other’s needs at least once a week, and preferably more often than that. We have discovered that many godly saints feel cut off and isolated, with no one that they can entrust with the deep hurts and problems of their hearts. Too often, it is not safe to reveal the deep matters of the heart to another believer who attends the same fellowship as you do, or even resides in the same city. Too many “Prayer Circles” and “Prayer Chains” have often devolved into “Gossip Circles” and “Gossip Chains”, where, instead of interceding fervently and effectively for the needs of the other believer, those who claim to be intercessors instead spend hours talking about the individual and only minutes praying for them. This is an abomination in the eyes of the Almighty and a clear breach of Christian confidence, isolating the hurting believer and preventing them from opening up in such a way as to produce release, healing and deliverance. For that reason, the Global Revival Network pairs Members together in such a way so as to minimize such situations. Members from one part of a country will be paired with other Members at least one State away. With the general availability of free long distance on “land lines” and the availability of such free communication tools as Skype, it is now possible for vast, wide-spread networks of believers to come together in a way not previously possible in past generations.

James tells us that we are to confess our sins/faults to one another and to pray for one another, that WE may be healed. It has been the experience of Dr. Young and other experienced leaders in ministry that only about 30% of the prayers that we pray for ourselves receive answers, while around 70% of the prayers that we pray for others tend to be answered. It is very clear that God has created the Body of Christ to be co-dependent on one another. Paul’s analogy of the Members of the Body as parts of a human body still rings true. While each organ is critical and necessary to the general well-being of the body, no one organ is capable of sustaining itself outside of the body and is critically dependent on the other parts of the body for it to stay alive and be in health. As Prayer Partners in the Revival Network pray fervently for the special and specific needs of the OTHER Partner, BOTH Partners will see significant answers to THEIR prayers and mighty breakthroughs, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!

Praise Reporting & Emergency Prayer Requests

All Members are urged to forward answers to prayer, praise reports and emergency prayer requests via email, the contact form on our website or, in cases of extreme need, via phone, Skype or any other methods available in the event of a crisis.

These requests and reports will be forwarded directly to the District or State Coordinator for the Member and also directly to the National Bishop's Office. Praise Reports will be broadcast to all Members on a weekly basis in order to provide encouragement and reinforce the need for prayer. Emergency Prayer Requests will be broadcast via email immediately upon receipt by the National Bishop’s Office in order to gather as much prayer support as quickly as possible.

Praise Reports will take the following general form:
  If available, the Prayer Request date will be introduced by saying, “On {Prayer Request Date}, {Brother or Sister} {Last Name} of {State/Province, Country} asked all of us to fervently pray for {description of the Prayer Request itself}.”
  Then, the answer to prayer will be listed in a fashion similar to this: “On {Date Prayer Answered}, in response to the prayers of the Saints, the Lord Jesus Christ answered that prayer in the following manner: {Complete description of answered prayer}.”

Although it will be possible to submit answers to prayer verbally, via phone, Skype or other audio methods, via email or via an online submission form on our website will be the preferred methods of submission, simply because a software package can be created which will take the standard Praise Report/Emergency Prayer Report form and pull the information required for the email blast directly from the incoming email. We frankly expect so many answers to prayer that we will need to automate the process as much as possible.

This email blast method will also be a tremendous means of recruiting new members as prospective members see the remarkable number of answered prayers occurring within the Global Revival Network.

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